About Us

About Us
At Strath-MacLean Child Care we provide high quality child care to families and support individual child care needs. Each day we focus on children’s health, safety, nutrition and overall well-being. We strive to teach respect, tolerance and integrity.
Strath-MacLean Child Care is committed to providing high quality care to children from birth to 12 years of age. Our programs reflect the importance of nurturing children with positive learning experiences in a safe and loving environment. Our Early Learning Educators encourage, support and challenge the children in their development as individuals and as group members.
We view children as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential. We focus on social and emotional development, which means learning how to have positive relationships with other people, developing good feelings about themselves and building resiliency. We support the children to express their views, resolve conflict and understand the value of friendships.
Our curriculum is both child and teacher guided. Through daily observation and reflective practice, we guide children’s activities to support all domains of development, initiate roots of empathy and build strong coping mechanisms. The curriculum is planned to offer indoor and outdoor play, quiet and active play and give children individual opportunities to guide their own learning.